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Patrick Deboyser is Professor at the European College of Parma, where he is teaching on ‘Food Law and Policy’, ‘Pharmaceutical Law and Policy’, and ‘Cosmetics Law and Policy’. Previously, he has lectured on EU law at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and at the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL).

From 1984 to 2018, Patrick Deboyser was an official of the European Commission, where he held various positions including: ‘Head of Pharmaceuticals’, ‘Head of Cosmetics’, ‘Head of Food Law and Biotechnology’, ‘Adviser to the Director-General of DG Health & Consumers’ and ‘Minister-Counsellor at the Delegation of the European Union to Thailand’. Before joining the Commission, he was Legal officer at BEUC - the European Bureau of Consumers' Organizations (1981-1983), and a Member of the Brussels Bar (1979-1980).

Patrick Deboyser has contributed a couple of books and numerous articles in the areas of: competition law, consumer protection, pharmaceuticals, and food safety. He is a member of the Editorial board of the Revue du Droit de l’Union européenne and of the Advisory board of Pharmaceuticals Policy and Law.