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Deboyser P., “Review of EU SPS and border inspection measures”, Seminar on EU Organic Market: Export opportunities and challenges, 27 August 2018, Bangkok, Thailand.

Deboyser P., “EU Action against Anti-Microbial Resistance”, Conference organized by the TDP-SPS Program, 7 August 2018, Yangon, Myanmar.

Deboyser P., "Food information to consumers in the EU", SPS-AGRI Promotion Seminar, 20 March 2018, Seoul, South Korea. 

Deboyser P., "EU Food Law and Trade", SPS-AGRI Promotion Seminar, 20 March 2018, Seoul, South Korea.

Deboyser P., "The new EU novel food regulation", ACFS Conference on: EU Novel Food Regulation - Case of Insects, 5 February 2018, Bangkok, Thailand.

Deboyser P., "The EU food safety system and global trade", BTSF Regional Workshop on Plant Products, 23 January 2018, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Deboyser P., "The EU food safety system and global trade", BTSF Regional Workshop on Plant Products, 23 January 2018, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Deboyser P., "Update on EU food safety legislation", 25th ACQSQ-PFPWG, 10 November 2017, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR. 

Deboyser P., "Food information to consumers in the EU", Workshop at Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA), 22 June 2017, Singapore.

Deboyser P., "The regulation of medicinal products in the EU", EFPIA/CPIA joint China/EU Pharmaceutical Industry Forum Workshop, 17 May 2017, Shanghai, China.

Deboyser P., "The EU single market for cosmetic products", Workshop organized by the ASEAN Cosmetics Committee, 1 May 2017, Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Deboyser P., "What does the future hold for international scientific cooperation for food safety", Conference organized by the Food Safety Commission of Japan, 26 April 2017, Tokyo, Japan.

Deboyser P., "Food Additives – Regulatory Status in the EU", 9th ACCSQ PFPWG, 27 March 2017, Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Deboyser P., "EU legislation on pesticides and the special case of tricyclazole", Conference organized by CAVAC II, 21 March 2017, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Deboyser P., "The Review of the EU Food Control Legislation", Workshop on National Food Control Systems in ASEAN, 9 January 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.

Deboyser P., "Food Safety & Food Standard Harmonization: the EU Experience", EU-ASEAN Forum on Food Safety, 22 November 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 

Deboyser P., "ICH – Historic Perspective and Recent Reform", An ICH Update, Conference organized by the EU Delegation to Thailand, 17 November 2016, Bangkok, Thailand. 

Deboyser P., "The Global Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance", International Conference on Tackling the Global Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance, 15 November 2016, Bangkok, Thailand. 

Deboyser P., "The EU Novel Food Regulation and the Special Case of Insects", ACFS Conference and Workshop, 27 October 2016, Khon Kaen, Thailand. 

Deboyser P., "The New EU Novel Food Regulation", The EU Novel Food Regulation and the Special case of Insects, 26 October 2016, Bangkok, Thailand. 

Deboyser P., "The functional separation between risk assessment and risk management in food safety matters", Conference at Thai FDA, 25 October 2016, Nonthaburi, Thailand. 

Deboyser P., "Responding to EU notifications under EUROPHYT and RASFF", Workshop at Ministry of Agriculture, 16 June 2016, Vientiane, Laos. 

Deboyser P., "The Falsified Medicines Directive", 23rd ACCSQ-PPWG Meeting and HoD Meeting, 18 May 2016, Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Deboyser P., "EU support to food law harmonization in ASEAN through ARISE and ARISE Plus", ASEAN Workshop, 10 May 2016, Jakarta, Indonesia. 

Deboyser P., "Recent legislative developments in the EU (Novel Food, Food for Specific Groups, Nutrition labelling), ASEAN Cluster 4 Meeting, 27 April 2016, Vientiane, Laos. 

Deboyser P., "The RASFF and TRACES System", Workshop at Department of Fisheries, 24 March 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Deboyser P., "EU Support to the establishment of the ASEAN Risk Assessment Centre", Official ceremony to mark the launch of the ASEAN Risk Assessment Centre, 22 March 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 

Deboyser P., EU Controls on imports of plant products from Cambodia", BTSF Workshop at General Directorate for Health, 18 March 2016, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 

Deboyser P., "EU Controls on imports of plant products from Laos", Workshop for Department of Agriculture, 14 March 2016, Vientiane, Laos. 

Deboyser P., "Food traceability in the EU", BTSF Workshop on Food Labelling and Traceability, 4 March 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 

Deboyser P., "The labelling of Genetically Modified Food in the EU", BTSF Workshop on Food Labelling and Traceability, 2 March 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 

Deboyser P., "EU food labelling legislation: historical perspective and recent developments", BTSF Workshop on Food Labelling and Traceability, 1 March 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 

Deboyser P., "Food Traceability in the EU", TDP Workshop on Food Labelling and Traceability, 3 February 2016, Yangon, Myanmar. 

Deboyser P., "Nutrition and Health Claims in the EU", TDP Workshop on Food Labelling and Traceability, 2 February 2016, Yangon, Myanmar. 

Deboyser P., "Food Information to Consumers in the EU", TDP Workshop on Food Labelling and Traceability, 1 February 2016, Yangon, Myanmar. 

Deboyser P., "The Falsified Medicines Directive", ASEAN Pharmaceutical Products Working Group (PPWG), 28 October 2015, Manila, The Philippines. 

Deboyser P., "The Control on Nutrition and Health Claims in the EU", Workshop on Food Labelling and Health and Nutrition Claims, 23 October 2015, Macau, Macau. 

Deboyser P., "Food traceability in the EU", BTSF Workshop on Food Labelling and Traceability, 16 October 2015, Vientiane, Laos. 

Deboyser P., "The labelling of Genetically Modified Food in the EU", BTSF Workshop on Food Labelling and Traceability, 13 October 2015, Vientiane, Laos. 

Deboyser P., "EU food labelling legislation: historical perspective and recent developments", BTSF Workshop on Food Labelling and Traceability, 12 October 2015, Vientiane, Laos. 

Deboyser P., "The EU Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed", BTSF Workshop on Support to the establishment of the Vietnam RASFF, 22 September 2015, Hanoi, Vietnam. 

Deboyser P., "EU Perspective on Biosimilar Medicinal Products", ARISE Workshop on an ASEAN MRA of bioequivalence study reports, 24 August 2015, Jakarta, Indonesia. 

Deboyser P., "The EU Food Control System", EU-India Dialogue Seminar on Food Control, 23 June 2015, New Delhi, India. 

Deboyser P., "The EU Approach to Food Safety", Workshop on ASEAN Food Safety Policy, 23 March 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 

Deboyser P., "Food Safety Risk Management: a View from the EU", Round Table Consultation on Camcontrol Reform, 10 March 2015, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 

Deboyser P., "The EU Animal Health Legislation and Policy", BTSF Workshop on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) for ASEAN, 4 March 2015, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 

Deboyser P., "EU legislation and strategy to fight falsified medicines", IFPMA-TFDA Workshop on Counterfeit Medicines, 6 February 2015, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Deboyser P., "EU Controls on Import of Fish and Fishery Products from non-EU Countries", BTSF Workshop on Fisheries for ASEAN/Pacific Countries, 2 February 2015, Kuta, Bali. 

Deboyser P., "The Authorization of GMOs in the EU", EU-Taiwan Food Safety Seminar", Taiwan FDA and EU Business and Regulatory Cooperation Programme, 5 June 2014, Taipei, Taiwan.

Deboyser P., "EU Rules on Food Labelling and Traceability", EU-Taiwan Food Safety Seminar, Taiwan FDA and EU Business and Regulatory Cooperation Programme, 5 June 2014, Taipei, Taiwan.

Deboyser P., "EU Risk Management and Risk Communication", EU-Taiwan Food Safety Seminar, Taiwan FDA and EU Business and Regulatory Cooperation Programme, 4 June 2014, Taipei, Taiwan.

Deboyser P., "The EU Food Safety System", EU-Taiwan Food Safety Seminar, Taiwan FDA and EU Business and Regulatory Cooperation Programme, 4 June 2014, Taipei, Taiwan.

Deboyser P., "Food Information to Consumers in the EU", 2nd World of Food Safety Conference, 22-23 May 2014, Bangkok, Thailand.

Deboyser P., "Pharmaceuticals: Recent developments in the EU", 29th Meeting of the ASEAN Working Group on Pharmaceutical Development (AWGPD), 28 April 2014, Siem Reap, Cambodia. 

Deboyser P., "Single market v. Public health - a comparison between EFSA and EMA", ARISE Study Tour to EFSA for ASEAN officials, 7 April 2014, Parma, Italy. 

Deboyser P., "The EU Legislation and Policy on Animal Welfare", BTSF Training Workshop on Animal Welfare for ASEAN officials, 24 March 2014, Bangkok, Thailand. 

Deboyser P., "The EU Legislation and Policy on Plant Protection Products", BTSF Training Workshop on Plant Protection Products for ASEAN officials, 3 March 2014, Bangkok, Thailand. 

Deboyser P., "The EU Legislation and Policy on Animal Health", BTSF Training Workshop on Animal Health, 13 January 2014, Hanoi, Vietnam. 

Deboyser P., "EU support to ASEAN in the area of food safety", ASEAN Expert Group on Food Safety, 4 December 2013, Bandar Beri Segawan, Brunei Darussalam. 

Deboyser P., "The EU experience on harmonization, mutual recognition and equivalence in the food sector", ARISE Workshop for ASEAN Officials, 18 November 2013, Jakarta, Indonesia. 

Deboyser P., "EU Regulations on Food and Feed Safety: Current State of Affairs and Future Trends", Workshop organised by the Mission of Thailand to the EU, 26 September 2013, Bangkok, Thailand. 

Deboyser P., "EU Regulations on Food Information to Consumers", Workshop organised by the Mission of Thailand to the EU, 26 September 2013, Bangkok, Thailand. 

Deboyser P., "EU Regulations on the Labelling of Food Additives", Workshop organised by the Mission of Thailand to the EU, 26 September 2013, Bangkok, Thailand. 

Deboyser P., "The Future of EU Food Law", FIC and Food Labelling Conference, 19 June 2013, Brussels, Belgium. 

Deboyser P., "Les OGM et le principe de précaution", Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis, 6 May 2013, Brussels, Belgium. 

Deboyser P., "Thai Seafood in Compliance with the EU requirements", Seminar on Thai Seafood Industry in Compliance with the EU Requirements, 23 April 2013, Brussels, Belgium. 

Deboyser P., "Le règlement N° (EC) 178/2002 : quels changements après 10 ans ?", 18 April 2013, Brussels, Belgium. 

Deboyser P., "The EU animal welfare strategy 2012-2015", 5th RAWS Coordination Group, 26 March 2013, Bangkok, Thailand. 

Deboyser P., "Les allégations nutritionnelles et de santé", Apéros du droit – ULB, 21 mars 2013, Brussels, Belgium. 

Deboyser P., "Corporate Responsibility in Improving Access to Orphan Medicinal Products", 18th EURORDIS Round Table of Companies, 27 February 2013, Brussels, Belgium. 

Deboyser P., "Traceability, recalls, supply chain", FAO 2nd Regional Training for ASEAN Member States, on Food Recall and Traceability, 17 February 2013, Chiang Mai, Thailand. 

Deboyser P., "The EU Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed", FAO 2nd Regional Training for ASEAN Member States, on Food Recall and Traceability, 16 February 2013, Chiang Mai, Thailand. 

Deboyser P., "Food recall and traceability - Application in National food safety control", FAO 2nd Regional Training for ASEAN Member States, on Food Recall and Traceability, 15 February 2013, Chiang Mai, Thailand.